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Rilasciata la nuova SAP GUI for Java con supporto a Ubuntu 14.04

SAP logoA fine Luglio 2014 è stata rilasciata una revisione di SAP GUI for Java, più precisamente la Release 7.30 rev 9.

Tra le novità più importanti c'è il supporto ad Ubuntu 14.04.

Oltre a questo, nell'annuncio si fa riferimento ad altri miglioramenti e a correzioni di bug.

Di seguito un'estratto delle novità mostrate in fase di installazione:

Enhancements and New Features

  • Support for New OS Versions: Ubuntu 14.04
  • Data Provider: Incorrectly encoded file urls are now handled even more fault-tolerant
  • Security: File permissions generated by file choosers are now stored in the scope of the current session and transaction. This makes file choosers and subsequent file access work also in case it has been invoked by third party components like saving a PDF file from the Print preview
  • Installation:Windows only: The installer now also sets the version info of the SAP GUI for Java entry in the "Programs and Features" control panel.


  • Grid Control:
    • Various issues related to spanned cells have been solved
    • A problem setting the focus has been addressed.
  • Tree Control:
    • In list tree, the column part has not been displayed in cause its width has not been set
  • TextEdit Control:
    • When the animated focus was deactivated, the cursor location has not been visible when being on the very left.
  • Html Control:
    • Displaying html content from file URLs could result in AccessControlExceptions.
  • Stability:
    • A memory leak related to reading audio files has been fixed.
  • Performance:
    • A performance issue causing a significant slow down when showing the infinite progress indicator at the same time like frequently updated progress messages in the status bar has been solved.

Anche questa versione è testata con java 7 ma chi l'ha provata con java 8 sostiene che sembra funzionare correttamente, mentre con la revisione precedente c'era qualche problema.

Provare per credere 😉

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